future plans

Hatching units

If you are incubating large numbers of eggs or setting eggs more than once weekly, use separate incubating and hatching units. The incubators should be large enough to hold a three-week supply of eggs. The hatcher unit should be small but large enough to hold the largest setting of eggs.

Frozen chicken manufactures

Frozen chicken is the same as chicken in a tray…but frozen. Both are All Natural* with No Antibiotics Ever (NAE), but one is frozen at the peak of freshness. Our frozen chicken is coated with a thin layer of ice to allow for extended shelf life without sacrificing quality.

Feed mill

Feed mills should take extreme precautions to prevent accidental overdosage of feed or accidental contamination of inappropriate species feeds.

Parent stock

The broiler industry is the process by which broiler chickens are reared and prepared for meat … Broiler breeder farms raise parent stock which produce fertilized eggs. A broiler hatching egg … Of this, 35.2 million kg were mature (non-broiler)slaughters, meaning about 96% of chicken consumption was broilers.